Marca : NIKON
Modelo : V-20A
Año :
N° Serie : 42284
Marca : NIKON
Modelo : V-20A
Año :
N° Serie : 42284

Características & Equipamiento

- vertical optical axis A
- screen Ø : 500 [mm], with inclined angular measure revolution 13.6°
- lens: 50x
- rotary turret for objectives
- platinum,
* 7V
* surface 460 x 260 [mm]
* glass plate 290 x 180 [mm]
* travels in X/Y 175 x 75 [mm]
* max. specimen weight 20 [kg]
- magnification precision : diascopic down to ±0.1%, episcopic down to ±0.15%
- dimensions : 1430 x 760 x 2020 [mm]
- weight : 300 [kg]

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